School fees

Culinary course instruction, materials, and uniforms

 They are supplied with all the necessary study materials.


Kul IN apartments are located walking distance from the school, they are fully equipped, and furnished with two single beds per bedroom.

Lunch on schooldays

Lunch is served on school days at Kul IN.

Field trips and guest instructors

Transportation and entry fees for all school field trips are included.

Transportation to Sisak from Zagreb International Airport

Do not worry about getting lost on the first day. We’ll be there to pick you up!

Tuition does not include:

  • Airplane ticket
  • Breakfast, dinner and weekend meals
  • Weekend activities which are not organized by the school
  • Bank, PayPal or credit card additional fees


For our first-minute students, we offer different discounts. To grab this voucher, you need to complete your application process and pay the tuition two months before the program start date.

Payment methods

Students have several options for tuition payment:

  • Bank transfer
  • Credit card (Visa, Mastercard, Discover, and American Express)

Tuition can be paid in multiple installments. Your education agreement will show your tuition, and you can choose to pay in installments up until the first day of the course. Students who wish to take advantage of the early bird option must pay their final installment by the early bird deadline.