Steak In Focus

If you decide to try your hand at steak preparation, you are expected to be well-versed in the techniques of storing and working with meat, as well as understanding the methods and processes of steak preparation.

How do you recognize a good product? How do you handle it and work with it properly?

We created the Steak In Focus Course to answer these questions and other dilemmas relating to the topic of steak. The participants will get acquainted with different techniques and cuts and learn to combine flavors and aromatic sauces with steak while learning in Kul IN practicums and professional kitchen.

Kroz 3 dana prakse polaznici prolaze osnovne tehnike obrade pojedinih dijelova mesa s obzirom na karakteristike reza, upoznaju se sa svrhom i vrstama raznih marinada te s tehnikama sotiranja, pečenja, konfitiranja i sous vide-a, dok uz goste predavače dobiju dodatna znanja o tehnici dry age metode, grill i barbecue metodi i raznolikosti ponude (vrste mesa, dobavljači, kvaliteta) na tržištu.

U cijenu uključeno

  • Edukacija
  • Smještaj za polaznike
  • Ručak u danima edukacije
  • Chef instruktori, 3 gosta predavača
  • Nastavni materijali
  • Pregača
  • Priznanje

Kul IN is the place where your passion can turn into your dream career in the enchanting world of food, wine, and pastries.